Teatro Sociale di Como / AsLiCo - Visibility Campaign 2024

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27 June 2024

Como / Italy

Platform Members, Roadshow

The Teatro Sociale di Como, in collaboration with CSV Insubria, organized a free and accessible event with the participation of various local associations, including AID Kartagener APS, Associazione Arte Solidale and Arci Trebisonda Aps among others. This event, held on April 19 and 20, was part of the theatre's ongoing commitment to social sustainability. The initiative aimed to support and highlight the efforts of voluntary organizations that assist vulnerable populations in the province of Como. 

On Saturday 20 April, the entire afternoon will be dedicated to the second edition of "Il mio posto nel mondo".  The afternoon program started at 1.45 pm in Piazza Verdi and continued until 7.30 pm. Activities included an artistic exhibition by Sarah Bellome, a piano performance by Luciano Maconi, and a photo booth by Diversamente Genitori. Workshops for children offered creative sessions such as chalk art, ebru art, and mask-making.

Guided tours of the theatre were led by young people from Down Verso ODV and Cooperativa Sociale Sociolario. The stage hosted performances by various associations, including theatre, dance, and singing. The event concluded with a special moment celebrating community inclusion and integration.

Find out more here.

Platform Member Teatro Sociale Como AsLiCo

Teatro Sociale di Como, one of the oldest and most astonishing theatres in Northern Italy, was inaugurated in 1813, the year best known to music lovers for the birth of Richard Wagner and Giuseppe Verdi.   


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